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Likes (Number of likes)
Paid Clicks (Number of clicks from featured ad)
Chat Clicks (Number of times users initiated a chat with the ad owner)
Phone Clicks (Number of times users clicked on the phone button)
Profile Clicks (Number of clicks on profile)
Impressions (Number of times ad was found on searches)
Cost per click (Cost/clicks)
Revisits (Number of times a same user revisits the ad)
Featured Value (Average number of paid clicks per day/average number of organic clicks per day)
City Ranked (Ranking in terms of category in the specific city)
Country Rank (Ranking in terms of category in the specific country)
Offers (Number of offers received)
Like Rate (Number of favorites/total visitors)
Email Clicks (Number of times users clicked on the email button)
Interactions (Number of visitors who interact in the ad)
Interaction rate (Number of visitors who interact/total visitors)
Popularity (Ranking of ad in terms of number of favorites compared to other ads in the category)
Bounces (Number of visitors who leave for other similar ads without interacting)
Bounces Rate (Number of bounces/total visitors)
Utility (Overall bitterness in terms of paid ad over organic placement)
Performance (Indicator ranking in terms of visits compare to other ads in the same category)
Conversion rate (Phone clicks/cost)
Conversion Rank (Ranking in terms of clicks between similar ads in the same category)
Featured Rank (Average ranking as a featured ad in the category over the time ad was posted)
Searched Demand (Number of times people searched for identical or similar product)
MPD (Price/average market price deviation of price from similar items in the category market. > 1 means higher than market price. < 1 lower than market price)
LO (indicators in consideration of all above factors, and others such usage of all 10 photos, description descriptive or not, title descriptive or not, etc.)
Competition (Number of similar and competitive ads)
Audience Size (Number of in-market audience for the specific item category)